Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Long long hair or medium long hair?

I have curly brown hair and just cut it (it was to the bottom of my rib cage and now it is to my heart) do guys find longER hair sexier?

Long long hair or medium long hair?

I think what matters is which hair length looks better with your face shape. That will accent your facial features and make guys more attracted to you. Look at hair sites or magazines for which hair lengths look better with which face shape

Long long hair or medium long hair?

some guys like to play with hair but ur hair sounds like it is still plenty long

Long long hair or medium long hair?

the length its at is good.

Long long hair or medium long hair?

I say medium long because too long can get really tangled and messy.

hope this helps;)

Long long hair or medium long hair?

personally i dnt think hair matter anymore to guys

Long long hair or medium long hair?

Personally i think shorter hair looks better, long hair can get really hard to manage and sometimes looks really bad

Long long hair or medium long hair?

Sexier is defend on the person who look at it. But if you asked me your hair is fine as long is not short to your ears. Curly hair is best long or medium.

Long long hair or medium long hair?

Long hair makes a girl look ratty. There's nothing cool about a tangly mess that's down to the floor, it's just not fun for a guy to run his fingers through.

I had super long hair, my boyfriend liked how it looked.. but then I cut it short and he loved it because it was softer and he could run his fingers through it. It's easier to manage.

Long long hair or medium long hair?

guys dont really even notice if your hair is shorter or longer, but it seem that where you have it right now will be found attractive by guys!:)

Long long hair or medium long hair?

i would say medium its easier 2 care 4.

Long long hair or medium long hair?

it depends on the personal preference of the guy...

Long long hair or medium long hair?

Well mine is at my shoulder blade and I man says as long as he has enough to pull during the "deed" he doesn't really care.

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