Thursday, November 12, 2009

How should I get my hair cut....?

I have a round face , medium to long blond hair and green eyes. I would like to keep the length but want something trendy and fun. Just like me.

How should I get my hair cut....?

get a mohawk style n dye it green

How should I get my hair cut....?

Cut bangs and layers.

How should I get my hair cut....?

The best way to find the perfect hairstyle for yourself is using hairstyle imaging software. It lets you try on different styles without getting your hair cut.

How should I get my hair cut....?

With this shape, it is best to create the illusion of length. You will want some height on the top, close at the sides and bangs brushed to the side.

How should I get my hair cut....?

Oh my god!!! we are twins!!

I had mine cut from being very long into a messed up, fluffed up style with a longer parted fringe and a little bit of height at the crown, then I had red and almost white streaks put in amid my naturally brown hair- looks great and I always tried to hide my round face with long hair!!

Despite this you should go for a style that you feel cofortable with, experiment online there are loads of free sites that you can upload your picture to and swap hair styles round until you find one you like, alternatively why not look through some hair magazines and specificaly look at models with rounders faces, talk to your hairdresser, but at the end of the day make sure that it is what YOU want and something that makes you feel a million dollars. Good luck xxxxxx

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